Our little Emma is already nine months. Crazy how time flies. Here are the stats and facts:
She weighed 17 lbs and 8 oz at her nine month appointment, in the 25th percentile
She is tall at almost 29 inches, in the 90th percentile
Her head circumference remains in the 50th percentile.
*Emma loves to get into EVERYTHING still, her favorite is probably the toilet paper in the bathroom. She keeps me on my toes. I'm continually having to shut doors and close drawers and clean up messes. I'm sure it will only get worse. :)
*She can feed herself now and loves to put everything in her mouth, most of which doesn't belong there..
*She says Da Da very well, we are still working on Ma Ma. She claps her hands and waves occasionally. Her new trick is giving me kisses, I love that little trick. :)
*She absolutely loves her bath. She always finds her favorite dolphin that squirts water as soon as she gets in.
She is an absolute joy to have around...
Except of course when she is sick...so sad...
It took her nine months to get sick , but it finally came, and I hope its another nine more months before it comes again, or never would be good too. :) It started out Thurs when she started throwing up everything, but that only lasted one night and then she was fine. Then Friday night she woke up screaming and really congested and its been downhill from there. She has a stuffy nose, cough, and is not the happy baby we know and love. Saturday I got the throw ups too and that night we were up all night trying to calm Emma down. Finally we took her to the doctor and she has ear infections on top of all her congestion. Hopefully the antibiotic will start to help and she will get better soon. I just hope she will sleep tonight.
Oh Sarah, I am so sorry she is sick! Leah had almost the same thing a few weeks ago and now she has another little cold, but nothing too bad. I know it was horrible though when she was like that. Poor babies and poor mamas! Hope your family starts feeling better soon. Lets play when you do :)